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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Electric Image Animation System 7.0.1

The Electric Image Animation System (EIAS) is an eminent 3D animation and rendering package. Available for the Mac and PC, with it, you can texture, animate and render your 3D scenes. Extraordinarily, EIAS includes the ability to network render to an unlimited number of computers across both platforms. EIAS presents advanced ‘buzz-word’ features in an easy to use, no nonsense interface.

View Hollywood Style visual effects created with EIAS:
For more than 15 years the Electric Image Animation System has delivered superior 3D graphics at a fraction of the cost of other solutions. If you are looking to create Hollywood-style 3D visual effects at an affordable price you don’t have to look any further. The Electric Image Animation System has been used to create some of the most lavish Blockbuster Films in history while delivering the speed you need to get your work done ON time and UNDER budget!

EIAS layer system is organized as a set of modules (Layer Shaders), it’s opened for third party developers and future expansion. Three basic Layer Shadera are included in the 7.0 release. The layer interface in Animator is very easy to use. Any Layer Shader can be applied to a whole scene and/or to any sets of objects. The name of the set will be used as the folder name in the Photoshop Layers window. The new “pseudo-transparency” feature allows a layered render of objects even they are obscured by others in a scene. With EI_Layers you can also render front and back sides of phong transparent objects on separated layers.

The layer system is fully supported by Renderama. When you render using the layer shaders a completed image file will be created along with a sequence of .psd or .rpf files. Renderama will return all of the files to the host. The files are stitched for strip network render.

Dynamics (Physics Engine), created by ramjac Software, is a high-performance physics system for simulating rigid body dynamics. It is based on the full-featured, stable, mature Open Dynamics Engine. The system is ideal for simulating articulated rigid body systems. Examples include falling objects, legged creatures, and stacks (or collections) of objects. There is a hard body collision detection engine built into the system for accurate and fast body-to-body collisions. Set-up is easy and solutions are computed very quickly allowing real-time preview in Animator and no impact on Rendering time. Dynamics works entirely within Animator, creating its own animation channels and writing its data to the Camera control file. This makes Dynamics fully compatible with Renderama.

Image-Based Lighting (IBL) - this powerful new feature creates lighting and shadows based on Global Illumination Sky map image. It allows you to match the lighting between a photograph and your render or to save time by using a photograph itself as the source of lights’ color and intensity. The IBL is fully integrated into EI GI system. All you need is to assign a desired Sky map (typically HDRI but any texture can be used as well) and select ”Adaptive Sky Map” mode in GI Sky panel.

EIAS is been extensively used in Hollywood, and, by professional studios all over the globe to create world-class animations for countless productions. It is ideal for all animation: from complex VFX shots to Architectural Fly-throughs.

Key Features

Virtually every attribute can be animated in EIAS.
EIAS can import animation from other applications via FBX and BVH formats.
EIAS can import motion tracking data from SynthEyes and Boujou and MatchMover.
Function Curves provide a precise way to animate objects naturally.
Xpressionist for advanced scripting capabilities.
Rodeo for fast, accurate rigid-body dynamics.
Straightforward character animation.

EIAS boasts perhaps the fastest rendering engine on the planet: “Camera”. Mind-bogglingly, it does this at the same time as producing the very highest quality output it is possible to get. No anti-aliasing artifacts here! If you’re interested, you can read this technical article and find out just why Camera is so fast.

Key Features

Monte-Carlo Global Illumination with Image-based lighting.
Render to layered PSD files, compatible with both Photoshop and After Effects.
Render to RPF files, compatible with After Effects and Combustion.
HDRI support throughout the application.
Super-fast blurry reflections.
Fast and accurate Caustics.
Ray-Traced Volume Transparency.
Ray-Traced Shadow Transmission (otherwise known as Subsurface Scattering).
Buffer Shadows, Ray Traced shadows, both soft and razor sharp.
Blisteringly fast “Phong” rendering mode for accelerated speed.
Intuitive, high-quality motion-blurring abilities.
Unlimited nodes for network rendering making EIAS, in our opinion, the cheapest high-end 3D application.
Shaders, EIAS comes packed with dozens of procedural shaders for many effects, from scratches and home-made noise patterns to camouflage and wood.

System Requirements:
Win XP/Vista
1GHz or faster processor
1GB of RAM
32-bit 3D Graphics card with at least 256MB of memory
USB Port

Program full tested and 100% working.

Size 92.4 MB



